Darivatelji jaja

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1994
Marital status: married
Children: 1
Education: higher
Profession: interior designer
Height: 170
Weight: 52
Blood group: (АB)+
Natural hair color: fair
Eye color: brown-green
Characteristics: friendly, positive
Hobbies: travelling, fitness, reading

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1998
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: in the process of obtaininghigher education
Profession: studying by specialty - economist
Height: 165
Weight: 51
Blood group: (0)+
Natural hair color: fair
Eye сolor: green
Characteristics: friendly, positive, brave
Hobbies: bicycle ride, baking, painting

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1993
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: higher education
Specialty: choreographer
Profession: choreographer
Height: 165
Weight: 52
Blood group: 1(+)
Hair color: black
Eye color: brown
Characteristics: sociable, active, cheerful.
Hobby: dancing, fitnes.

PojedinostiYear of birth: 2004
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: higher
Profession: translator
Height: 165
Weight: 50
Blood group: (0)+
Natural hair color: fair
Eye color: green
Characteristics: punctual, honest, kind
Hobbies: ballroom dancing, oil painting

PojedinostiYear of birth: 2002
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: in the process of obtaining higher education
Profession: specialty - marketing
Height: 167
Weight: 54
Blood group: (0)+
Natural hair color: blond
Eye color: gray-blue
Characteristics: caring, determined, gentle
Hobbies: growing indoor plants, cooking, fitness

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1994
Marital status: married
Children: 2
Education: higher
Profession: sales manager
Height: 165
Weight: 52
Blood group: (B)+
Natural hair color: fair
Eye color: brown
Characteristics: smart, calm, friendly
Hobbies: yoga, bowling, listen to music

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1994
Marital status: married
Children: 1
Education: higher education
Specialty: beekeeping
Profession: PC operator
Height: 168
Weight: 67
Blood group: 1(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: brawn
Characteristics: kind, sociable, responsible.
Hobby: knitting, drawing, running.

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1988
Marital status: married
Education: higher education
Specialty: jurisprudence
Profession: lawyer
Height: 170
Weigh: 57
Blood group: 3(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: green
Characteristic: good-natured, cheerful, sociable
Hobby: traveling, swimming, gardening.

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1983
Marital status: married
Children: 2
Education: college diploma
Profession: on maternity leave
Height: 160
Weight: 57
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: dark
Eye color: grey
Characteristics: purposeful, executive, sociable
Hobby: walking, cycling, cooking.

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1999
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: higher
Profession: marketer
Height: 170
Weight: 52
Blood group: (В)+
Natural hair color: brown
Eye color: blue
Characteristics: positive, purposeful, friendly
Hobbies: play piano, drawing, jogging, fitness

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1992
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: higher education
Profession: accountant
Height: 173
Weight: 58
Blood group: 4(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: blue
Characteristics: kind, communicative, single-minded.
Hobby: cooking , reading, sewing.

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1989
Marital status: single
Education: college diploma
Profession: accountant
Height: 165
Weigh: 56
Blood group: 1(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: brown-green
Characteristic: sympathetic, good-natured, sociable
Hobby: badminton, hiking, floristry.

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1990
Marital status: single
Children: one
Education: higher education
Profession: lawyer
Height: 163
Weight: 53
Blood group: 2(-)
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: gray
Characteristic: active, ambitious, cheerful
Hobby: breeding of fish, fitness

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1989
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: higher education
Profession: marketing
Height: 168
Weight: 60
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: brown
Characteristics: obliging, curious, cheerful.
Hobby: traveling, step aerobics, embroidery.

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1999
Marital status: married
Children: 1
Education: higher
Profession: financier
Height: 170
Weight: 53
Blood group: (В)+
Natural hair color: fair
Eye color: brown
Characteristics: active, positive
Hobbies: cycling, go to cinema

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1995
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: college diploma
Profession: fashion designer
Height: 162
Weight: 48
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: brown
Eye color: green
Characteristics: sociable, fun, cheerful
Hobby: shopping, photos, going out on nature

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1986
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: higher education
Profession: lawyer
Height: 170
Weight: 64
Blood group: 3(-)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: blue
Characteristic: sensible, caring, sociable.
Hobby: dancing, learning foreign languages, collecting .

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1998
Marital status: married
Children: 1
Education: in the process of obtaining higher education
Profession: legist
Height: 165
Weight: 50
Blood group: (0)+
Natural hair color: black
Eye color: brown
Characteristics: caring, calm, kind
Hobbies: walk, reading, handmade

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1993
Marital status: married
Children: 1
Education: higher
Profession: web-developer
Height: 165
Weight: 51
Blood group: (А)+
Natural hair color: fair
Eye color: blue-green-gray
Characteristics: creative, easy-going, punctual
Hobbies: playing the guitar, photography, cycling

PojedinostiYear of birth: 2000
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: in the process of obtaining higher education
Profession: specialty – psycholog
Height: 175
Weight: 53
Blood group: (B)+
Natural hair color: fair
Eye color: green-blue
Characteristics: open-minded, communicative, positive
Hobbies: cooking, travelling, swimming

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1996
Marital status: married
Children: 1
Education: higher
Profession: economist
Height: 170
Weight: 54
Blood group: (0)+
Natural hair color: fair
Eye color: blue
Characteristics: purposeful, punctual
Hobbies: knitting, cycling, visiting museums and theaters

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1992
Marital status: married
Children: 1
Education: higher
Profession: history teacher
Height: 170
Weight: 52
Blood group: (0)+
Natural hair color: fair
Eye color: gray-green
Characteristics: responsible, with a good sense of humor, cheerful
Hobbies: volleyball, reading, singing

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1995
Marital status: married
Children: 1
Education: higher education
Specialty: economic
Profession: bookkeeper
Height: 162
Weight: 45
Blood group: 2(+)
Hair color: fair
Eye color: blue
Characteristics: sociable, cheerful, smiling
Hobbies: dancing, learning foreign languages, drawing

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1994
Marital status: married
Children: 1
Education: higher
Profession: lawyer
Height: 165
Weight: 53
Blood group: (A)+
Natural hair color: brown
Eye color: brown
Characteristics: calm, creative, friendly
Hobbies: cooking, pilates, cycling

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1995
Marital status: married
Children: 2
Education: higher
Profession: marketer
Height: 175
Weight: 53
Blood group: (В)+
Natural hair color: fair
Eye color: blue
Characteristics: cheerful, athletic, caring, kind
Hobbies: travelling in mountains, ice skating, cooking

PojedinostiYear of birth: 2002
Marital status: married
Children: 2
Education: in the process of obtaining higher education
Profession: specialty - marketing
Height: 175
Weight: 53
Blood group: (0)+
Natural hair color: brown
Eye color: brown
Characteristics: responsible, purposeful
Hobbies: volleyball, swimming, reading fiction

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1998
Marital status: married
Children: 1
Education: higher
Profession: veterinarian
Height: 165
Weight: 50
Blood group: (B)+
Natural hair color: fair
Eye color: green
Characteristics: inquisitive, cheerful, communicative
Hobbies: running, cycling, psychology

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1992
Marital status: married
Children: 2
Education: higher
Profession: economist
Height: 170
Weight: 54
Blood group: (B)+
Natural hair color: fair
Eye color: blue
Characteristics: punctual, calm, self-organized
Hobbies: reading fiction, running in the morning

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1999
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: higher
Profession: sales manager
Height: 165
Weight: 51
Blood group: (B)+
Natural hair color: fair
Eye color: brown
Characteristics: self-disciplined, active, creative
Hobbies: singing, playing the piano, traveling

PojedinostiYear of birth: 1996
Marital status: single
Children: 1
Education: higher
Profession: sales manager
Height: 165
Weight: 52
Blood group: (0)+
Natural hair color: brown
Eye color: brown
Characteristics: cheerful, self-organized, friendly
Hobbies: cycling, knitting, volleyball