- Biografia
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Chefe de FIV.
Médico obstetra-ginecologista 1 categoria.
Médico de diagnóstico por ultra-sons, médico Reprodutologista.
Membro da ESHRE - Sociedade Europeia para a Reprodução Humana e Embriologia e SUMR - Sociedade Ucraniana para a Medicina Reprodutiva.
Especializada na execução de ciclos de programas de tecnologias Reprodutivas, análise do trabalho do departamento de programa TRA, coleta de dados estatísticos, relatórios para o banco de dados científicos mundiais. O trabalho analítico foi incorporado em muitas análises sistemáticas e revisões Cochrane no campo das tecnologias Reprodutivas assistivas. Realiza formação e supervisão de novos profissionais no início de sua actividade.
Na área prática realiza diretamente procedimentos de FIV, inseminação intrauterina, estimulação da ovulação e punção do óvulo, transferência de embriões para pacientes , aconselha sobre aplicação clínica de diagnóstico genético pré-implante, SART, bem como outros procedimentos promissores para o tratamento da infertilidade. Especializada no tratamento de pacientes com fator idiopático de infertilidade, endócrino, pacientes com Falha habitual da gravidez, programas repetidos de FIV múltiplos negativos, tratamento com células-tronco, pacientes do grupo de idade Reprodutiva mais velha.
Graduou da Universidade Nacional de Medicina na cidade de Kharkiv em 2004.
Estudou na clínica de reprodução «IVI» em Espanha.
Estágio completo no Kinderwunschzentrum Alemanha Lubeck em 2015.
Trabalha na clínica do professor Feskov desde 2004.
Áreas de interesse:
- falha habitual da gravidez,
- manutenção da fertilidade,
- genética Reprodutiva,
- programas de FIV para doação de óvulos, espeTRAtozoides e embriões
- programas de maternidade substituta
- implantação intra-uterina
- ética e bioética na prática de um médico da reprodução
- esgotamento ovariano prematuro
- redução da reserva ovariana
- bioestatística
- medicina de provas
- Somova E.V., Feskov А.M., Feskova I.А., Bezpechnaya I.M., Tischenko А.А. Influence of follicular fluid hormonal profile on in vitro fertilisation outcome depending on the androgen status of women Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology (Tenth Danilevsky readings): Materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation, - Kharkov, 3-4 March 2011. - pp. 114-115.
- Feskov А.M., Feskova I.А., Zhilkova E.S., Somova E.V., Bezpechnaya I.M. Intrauterine administration of blood mononuclear cells in IVF cycles during transfer of fresh and vitrified embryos Reproductive technologies today and tomorrow. Materials of the XXI International Conference of the Russian Association for Human Reproduction (8-10 September 2011, St. Petersburg). - St. Petersburg, 2011. - pp. 67-68
- Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Zhilkova E.S., Bezpechna І.M., Blazko O.V. The influence of intrauterine administration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells on implantation rates in “fresh” and “cryo” IVF programs World of Medicine and Biology - 2011. -№ 3. - pp. 132-134
- Feskov А.M., Zhilkova E.S., Bezpechnaya I.M., Blazhko E.V., Feskov V.А. Study of aneuploidies of chromosomes x, y, 18, 21 in spermatozoa nuclei in men with astheno- and oligoasthenozoospermia. Problems of reproduction. -2012. -№ 1. - pp. 77-78
- Somova E.V., Feskov А.M., Feskova І.А., Bezpechna І.M., Tischenko А.А. Influence of metabolic activity of follicular fluid on oocyte quality and in vitro fertilisation result in women with polykistotic ovary syndrome. Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology (Eleventh Danilevsky readings): Materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation, - Kharkov, 1-2 March 2012. - pp. 120-121.
- Feskov А.M., Feskova I.А., Bezpechnaya I.M., Chumakova N.А., Blazhko E.V. Progesterone levels and prediction of pregnancy in cycles of controlled ovulation stimulation Tauride Medical and Biological Bulletin. - 2012. - Vol. 15, No. 2, Part 1 (58). -pp. 322-323
- Somova E.V., Feskov А.M., Feskova I.А., Bezpechnaya I.M., Chumakova N.А. Relationship of antimüllerian hormone with estradiol level and oocyte fertilisation potential in women of different ages with polycystic ovary syndrome in vitro fertilisation cycles. "Endocrine pathology in the age aspect" Kharkov 1-2 November 2012 pp. 78-79
- Zhilkova E.S., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Bezpechna I.M. Sperm aneuploidies and sperm DNA fragmentation for patients with polymorphisms in folate cycle genes MTHFR and MTRR COGI, 2013, P22
- Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Zhilkova E.S., Bezpechna І.M., Sotnik N.N. Investigation of MTHFR and MTRR genetic polymorphisms in men with high level of sperm DNA fragmentation F&S ,sept. 2013, P 979,s430
- Somova E.V, Feskov А.M., Feskova I.А., Bezpechnaya I.M Effect of progesterone levels in ovulation stimulation cycles on embryo quality and pregnancy in IVF programs in women with different androgen status. Twelfth Danilevsky readings. Materials of scientific and practical conference with international participation. Kharkov 2013. pp. 127-128
- Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Bezpechna І.M.ya, Tischenko А.А., Zhilkova E.S. Peculiarities of early embryo development in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome Reproductive Medicine and Beyond: 5th Int. Congress, Seville, Spain, April 4-6, 2013.- Seville. - pp.34-35.
- Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Bezpechna І.M.ya, Zhilkova E.S., Tischenko А.А. IVF outcomes and embryo morphokinetics in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome ESHRE, London, 2013
- Feskov А.M., Feskova I.А., Zozulina А.N., Chumakova N.А., Bezpechnaya I.M. Expediency of operative treatment of patients with endometrioid cysts before IVF program UAHR, Volgograd, 2013
- Feskov А.M., Chumakova N.А., Bezpechnaya I.M., Zozulina А.N., Ryzhkov А.V. Significance of microsalringoscopy in the choice of treatment tactics for women with tubal infertility. Woman's Health. 2013. -№ 4(80).- pp.139-140
- Feskov А.M., Bezpechnaya I.M., Chumakova N.А., Somova E.V., Zhilkova E.S. Effectiveness of treatment of patients with thrombophilias in ART programs Woman's Health. - 2013. -№ 4(80).- pp.147-148
- Somova E.V., Feskov А.M., Feskova I.А, Bezpechnaya I.M., Zozulina А.N., Chumakova N.А., Blazhko E.V., Tischenko А.А. Influence of recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone dose and estradiol level on embryo morphokinetics and in vitro fertilisation result in women with hyperandrogenism. Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology (Thirteenth Danilevsky readings): materials of scientific and practical conference with international participation, Kharkov, 13-14 March 2014 - Kharkov, 2014. - pp. 144-145.
- Feskov А.M., Zhilkova E.S., Bezpechnaya I.M., Fedota А.M. Peculiarities of development of embryos obtained by methods of assisted reproductive technologies from patients with increased content of aneuploid spermatozoa in ejaculate. Actual problems of obstetrics and gynaecology, clinical immunology and medical genetics.
- Feskov А.M., Bezpechnaya I.M., Somova E.V., Chumakova N.А., Zozulina А.N. Features of COS in women of older reproductive age with reduced ovarian reserve. "Endocrine pathology in the age aspect". Materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation 2014
- Zhilkova E.S., Feskov А.M., Bezpechnaya I.M., Fedota А.M. Ultrasound screening of chromosomal pathology in pregnant women with assisted reproduction in the second trimester. Ukrainian Radiological Journal - 2014 - Vol. XII. - Issue 4 - pp. 15-19
- Feskov А.M., Somova E.V., Feskova I.А, Bezpechnaya I.M., Zozulina А.N., Tischenko А.А. Effect of hyperandrogenism on early embryo development Reproductive endocrinology - 2014. -№ 2(16). - P. 113.
- Somova E.V., Feskov А.M., Feskova I.А., Bezpechnaya I.M., Zozulina А.N., Chumakova N.А., Feskov V.А., Tischenko А.А. Effect of taurine on the efficacy of in vitro fertilisation in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. "Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology" (Fourteenth Danilevsky readings)
- Somova E. V., Feskov V.А., Feskova I. А., Bezpechnaya I. M., Chumakova N.А. Effect of D-chiroinositol on the efficiency of in vitro fertilisation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Achievements and prospects of experimental and clinical endocrinology (Seventeenth Danilevsky readings): materials of scientific and practical conference with international participation, Kharkov, 1-2 March 2018 - Kharkov, 2018 - pp. 124-125.
- Feskov V.A., Bezpechna І. M., Zozulina O.M., Chumakova N.O. Genetic screening. Consumerism and reality (report) UARM Dnipro, 27-29 May 2018
- Feskov O.M, Feskova І.А., Bezpechna І.M. Age aspects of low ovarian reserve in the fertility clinic Plenum of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Ukraine and scientific and practical conference with international participation. Reproductive health in Ukraine: trends, achievements, challenges and priorities. 20-21 September 2018, Kyiv
- Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A., Bezpechna І.M., Yegunkova O.V., Feskov A.M. Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies in IVF in patients with Y chromosome AZF-c microdeletion The 6th World Congress Controversies in Genetics; Ovarian Club XIV, November 7-9, Paris, France, Program Book, Group B, Board 3 (Page 12)
- Somova E.V., Feskov A.M., Tischenko А.А., Bezpechna І.M, Manzhai Yu., Zhilkova E.S., Feskov V.A. Can nuclear transfer improve ivf outcome in women with elevated follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) level GREM (Gynecological and Reproductive Endocinology & Metabolism): Book of abstracts of Gynecological Endocrinology the 19th World Congress. – 2020. - Vol. 1. - Suppl. 1. - pp. 466. (ISGE2-5 december 2020, electronic poster P151b)
- Feskov A.M., Feskova I.A., Zhilkova E.S., Bezpechna І.M., Osovskiy І.K. Clinical applications of platelet-rich plasma in poor endometrium patients with adenomyosis Hum.Reprod. - 2021. - Vol. 36, Supp. 1. - P. i278 (P-312). Abstracts of the 37th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE 26 June-1 July 2021
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